Published on: Monday March 5, 2018

Everyman Theatre presents Girlfriends
Tuesday 15 – Saturday 19 May 2018 7.30pm (Saturday matinee 2.30pm)
Chapter Arts Centre

Athough they tire us
These jobs inspire us
The war has changed our lives
We’re not spectators
We’re not just airmen’s wives

Girlfriends is set during the second world war at the height of the
Blitz and follows recruits of the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force
(WAAF). It’s 1941 and the chances are that only 1 in 5 bomber
command aircrew will complete 30 tours of duty.

This inspiring and powerful musical shines a light on the pressures,
expectations and dilemmas women faced supporting the war effort and
how women rose to the challenge with courage, stoicism, camaraderie
and inner strength. All from different backgrounds with different
temperaments, they become friends in this unusual melting pot.

Running times: approx 2 hours 20 mins including interval 

** TICKET UPDATE: All evening performances are now sold out – good availability for Saturday matinee (2.30pm) **

Girlfriends Cast List



Yr Ail Ryfel Byd yw cefndir ‘Girlfriends’, pan oedd y bomio ar ei
anterth, ac mae’n dilyn recriwtiaid Awyrlu Cynorthwyol y Menywod
(WAAF). 1941 yw’r flwyddyn a’r tebygrwydd yw mai dim ond 1 o bob
5 criw awyr y Rheolaeth Awyrennau Bomio fydd yn goroesi 30
o deithiau dyletswydd.

Mae’r sioe gerdd bwerus hon, sydd yn codi’r ysbryd, yn taflu goleuni ar y
pwysau, disgwyliadau a’r cyfyng-gyngor a wynebodd menywod wrth
gefnogi’r rhyfel a sut fu iddynt wynebu’r her â dewrder, stoiciaeth,
cwmnigarwch a gwytnwch mewnol. I gyd ohonynt o gefndiroedd gwahanol
gyda chymeriadau gwahanol, fe ddônt yn ffrindiau yn y pair anarferol hwn.

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